Casper Systems 262-377-2277
Elecompack High Density Storage Systems
We can help you-
Call 262-377-2277


High Density Mobile  - Providing Storage and Tracking Solutions - WI, MN, IL, IA

Casper Systems is a Full Service Firm. We Design, Sell and Service Storage Systems for Commercial and Government Entities

Casper  designs, sells and services shelving and all kinds of storage systems for commercial and government entities.  We also do pre-project consulting.

The correct storage system, steel or laminate, mobile or fixed, shelving or casework, can store more in the same space and dramatically improve efficiency. Proper storage design not only protects the item stored, it enables easy retrieval and offers accountability.  It is as simple as this: we store items to find and use them and we have to be able to account for items as they are stored and as they are used.  If items are valuable enough to be kept, this only makes sense -- dollars and cents.

Slashing Time and Space Does Not Have to Hurt
We start every job by analyzing your specific requirements. We look at your workflow and your space allocation. We identify problem areas and target them for solution. Together with you, we devise solutions that maximize your available space and increase efficiency. Installations are done with minimum disruption to your operations and we follow up with full support, including effective training on the new equipment for you and your staff.

Yourself for Growth
Storage designed for your needs s up valuable space to grow your business and boost your productivity. Enjoy it immediately - today. Use it wisely - tomorrow. Most companies find the investment pays off in less than two years.

Please browse our site to learn more about our company and the solutions we offer.

Feature highlights:

Storage Cabinets


Storage Cabinets

Think Work/Store

High Density Mobile


Elecompack Storage Film Can High Density Mobile Storage

Think Compact Lateral File


Widespan Heavy Duty Industrial Shelving

Industrial Storage Shelving

Think High Density Storage

Casper Systems of Wisconsin - Storage Consultations

Request a Filing Survey or Quote

Want a filing or storage survey?

Click here to contact us and request your filing /storage survey that will provide solutions that can save you time and space.


We can help you
Call 262-377-2277

Want a space analysis or on-site consultation?

Click here to contact us.

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